51 Rte 100 Katonah, NY 10536 (Map) (914) 864-7282 http://www.muscootfarm.org/
The WBC found itself shortstaffed this week. Reid was off in Vietnam spending Dong like there was no tomorrow; Andrew was off running some race; and Pat, well, he’s still in exile in Minnesota. So, to fill the void we invited some very fun friends to join us at a family-friendly/kid-friendly/Jeff-friendly pancake breakfast up at Muscoot Farm in Katonah. We ate pancakes, and then saw some piggies and horsies and chickens. And Shelley accidentally taught a 2-year-old to say “Jeffrey scary.” Which may be true, but probably not a great thing to teach a kid to say. But how were the pancakes, you ask? Well, you know the drill…
Attendees: :jump_to_Sylvia:, :jump_to_Shelley:, :jump_to_Tracey and Gabriel:, Jeffrey