One Bridge Street Irvington-on-Hudson, NY 10533 (Map) (914) 428-6868 http://www.redhatbistro.com/index.html
Four years ago, we visited Red Hat on the River for dinner during restaurant week. They started offering brunch, we were there.
One Bridge Street Irvington-on-Hudson, NY 10533 (Map) (914) 428-6868 http://www.redhatbistro.com/index.html
Four years ago, we visited Red Hat on the River for dinner during restaurant week. They started offering brunch, we were there.
610 West Hartsdale Avenue White Plains, NY 10607 (Map) (914) 428-6868 http://www.benjaminsteakhouse.com/home
The WBC was honored to receive an invitation from Benjamin Steak House in Hartsdale to enjoy a complementary meal to sample the new brunch menu. Not only did we enjoy a well-balanced and flavorful brunch on a cold February Sunday, we also discovered the myriad joys of schlag.
10 Memorial Plaza Pleasantville, NY 10570 (Map) (914) 769-8585 http://www.pleasantvillediner.com/
Attendees: Sylvia, Jeff, Reid