Google Hangout Breakfast

09 Feb




It was supposed to be a blizzard. An epic snowstorm. We’d surely be snowed in all weekend. (Turns out we weren’t, but we were prepared!) Snow or no snow, we’d still have to eat breakfast…enter Shelley’s brilliant idea to have a WBC Google Hangout Breakfast. Because what could be more fun than 6 people sitting around in their pajamas watching each other eat breakvast via video chat while overusing Google’s gong sound effect (guilty party: Shelley)? Right? Sylvia breaks it down for us.

Can you imagine life before email, streaming video, DVR’s, smartphones or Tablets?

You know you are old when you start saying “I remember when…”  I’m old.  I can remember when our family got our first cell phone (that’s right…the family shared the phone)…it was the size of a small brick, had a pull out antenna, no screen and can only make phone calls.

I was midway through high school before I got my first cell phone (for emergency calls only).  I remember I had one of those Nokia phones where you can buy a separate faceplate to customize the color (I received a green one as a gift on Christmas from a friend).

I remember my first email message, I remember AOL Instant messenger, and how much thought I put behind my away messages.

I remember upgrading to a flip phone, that had a camera (I rarely used it since the quality was just so grainy and terrible), and text messaging via the number keypad.

I remember using the VCR to record shows, renting tapes, then DVD’s from Blockbuster and the now defunct Music Plus Video.  We used a rewinding machine to rewind tapes quickly…remember those?

I actually held out during the whole iphone/smartphone craze.  I refused to get a smartphone.  I never saw myself needing that much access to email, or using internet on the go.  Why would I need that?  Why should I pay for that?

Now…I carry two smartphones (one for work, the other, play) and go through many moments of panic when I am overseas and can’t just call up the internet to help me find a map or research a place to eat or check my email.

And now….we just used Google+ Hangout to meet for breakfast.  We were breakfasting together from various locations in Westchester, Manhattan, Queens and Minneapolis.

While I video chatted at my kitchen counter, I enjoyed a breakfast I made that consisted of a sandwich (homemade hummus + ½ avocado + sprinkling of red onion + over easy egg on whole wheat sandwich thin), fruit salad (blueberries, orange and apple) and tea (English breakfast lighted with a touch of unsweetened almond milk).

I’ve had my computer for three years now, and this was the first time I’ve used the camera on it.  I have also never video chatted before.  Crazy right?  I’m already so behind!

Those darn kids and their loud technology!


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