(914) 713-0309(Map)
Attendees: :jump_to_Sylvia:, :jump_to_Shelley:
Attendees: :jump_to_Sylvia:, :jump_to_Shelley:
At the request of at least one member, the WBC decided to have a cheap, quick breakfast this weekend. This led us to Beyond the Bagel in White Plains. Cheap? Yup. Quick? Yup. Good? Well, you’ll just have to read on to find out.
Attendees: :jump_to_Shelley:, :jump_to_Sylvia:
Picture this: A quaint French cafe in the middle of Chelsea. Cozy tables arranged outside below large umbrellas. Servers with French accents. Larger than life cups of cafe au lait, fresh French bread, creme brulee. And a giant hole in the street being filled with tar.
Which thing doesn’t belong?
If you guessed creme brulee, you’d be wrong. If you guessed the tar, you’d be right. The WBC was treated to all the sights, sounds, and smells that road construction can offer. We watched as the giant hole was dug, we watched as it was filled with tar. We watched as the NYPD showed up to request to see the permit for said road work. We watched as the crew began to dig another hole further down the street, we watched as one crew member almost got run over by the backhoe, and we watched as the smartest crew member realized that the back door to the dumptruck wasn’t locked. We watched as tar dust wafted over to our table.
Dining outside was not our best move. Were we still able to judge the food? Did we even get to eat before we passed out from tar fumes? Let’s see how it all unfolded.
Attendees: :jump_to_Reid:, :jump_to_Shelley:, :jump_to_Sylvia:, :jump_to_Andrew:
Attendees: :jump_to_Sylvia:, :jump_to_Pat:, :jump_to_Shelley:, :jump_to_Reid:
The WBC feels fortunate to have several devoted fans. These are the readers who have stuck with us over the last year and a half, who check out our breakfast adventures week after week, and who provide us with reinforcing feedback.
So, when we received a thoughtfully writen review of an IHOP in Jersey from one of said readers, we wanted to give him a guest spot on our blog.
Without further delay, here is a review from our very own WBC Groupie!
WBC Groupie, Birthday Edition: IHOP Hasbrouck Heights, NJ…Better than your average IHOP.
Enrico’s Bakery has two locations, one in the Bronx and one in Hartsdale. Since we are the Westchester Breakfast Club (and not the Bronx Breakfast Club, which would probably cause all sorts of intellectual property issues with that other BBC), brunch this past week was brought in from the Hartsdale outpost. Enrico’s provides a mouthwatering display of fresh baked goods–the usual cookies, cakes, muffins, cupcakes, pastries. There is a side cooler with a large assortment of gelato flavors. Plus, Enrico’s provides all you need for a simple cold brunch–fresh made bagels, numerous types of cream cheese, and cold salads (cole slaw, chicken salad, egg salad). The pouring rain this particular Sunday morning meant the WBC needed a delicious meal, so Shelley carefully selected a delectable assortment of treats from Enrico’s to feed her hungry WBC compatriots.
Attendees: :jump_to_Sylvia:
Attendees: :jump_to_Shelley:, :jump_to_Jeff:, :jump_to_Sylvia:
Summer is a great time for the WBC to bust out of the county and wander the streets of Manhattan. Our trip this time took us to Community in Morningside Heights, a favorite neighborhood of at least one member of the WBC.
Sitting in for Pat this week was Whitney (Reid’s sister), who put us all to shame by actually taking notes about her meal…during the meal! We could take some pointers from her. (Professionals we are not, but hey, our hearts are in the right place.)
Community served as the perfect location to discuss apartments, chafing, and jerks.
Oh yeah, we ate breakfast too. And enjoyed it! Read on, hungry masses, read on.
Attendees: :jump_to_Shelley:, :jump_to_Sylvia:, :jump_to_Reid:, :jump_to_Andrew:, :jump_to_Whitney:, :jump_to_Jeff:
Attendees: :jump_to_Sylvia:, :jump_to_Jeff:, :jump_to_Shelley:, :jump_to_Pat:
The WBC enjoyed a leisurely Sunday drive up to the country. By country, we mean the village of Katonah, where a visit to Willy Nick’s was on the agenda.
We learned several things that day: Willy Nick’s does not serve Boston Cream Pie, but they do serve four kinds of Eggs Benedict; Pat is very attractive to wasps; and Shelley is an excellent driver.
Oh, yeah, we also ate breakfast and wrote reviews.
Attendees: :jump_to_Pat:, :jump_to_Sylvia:, :jump_to_Jeff:, :jump_to_Shelley: