
Popover Cafe
551 Amsterdam Avenue (between 86th and 87th Streets)
New York NY 10024
(212) 595-8555 (Map)
Regular readers of this blog will have noticed that the WBC has several traditions, one of our favorites being breakfast at the new home of one of our members. This week our lucky host was Reid, proud new owner of a lovely apartment on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, which he shares with the delightful moose cookie jar you see above.* (Mr. Moose may just have to become the WBC’s first official mascot.) Fortunately for the WBC, Reid and his moose live within walking distance of scores of delicious dining establishments, including the Popover Café. We’ve had Popover on our list of places to try for quite some time, so it was a done deal. NYC, here comes the WBC.
*The photo of Mr. Moose is absolutely, definitely, certainly not just a placefiller because no one got a photo of the exterior of Popover Café. No, not at all.
Attendees: :jump_to_Reid:, :jump_to_Shelley:, :jump_to_Sylvia:, :jump_to_Andrew:, :jump_to_Jeff:
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